دانلود کتاب It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way

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43,000 تومان

چکیده محصول

  • تعداد صفحات: 165

  • حجم: 2.70 مگابایت

پیش نمایش

کاربر گرامی لطفا پیش از ثبت سفارش تصاویر محصول، چکیده، فایل پیش نمایش، توضیحات و مشخصات آن را به طور کامل بررسی نمایید.


Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. We feel disappointed and disillusioned, and we quietly start to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness.

Lysa TerKeurst understands this deeply. But she’s also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa invites us into her own journey of faith and, with grit, vulnerability, and honest humor. It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way helps us to:

  • Stop being pulled into the anxiety of disappointment by discovering how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.
  • Train ourselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so we can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.
  • Discover the secret of being steadfast and not panicking when God actually does give us more than we can handle.
  • Shift our suspicion that God is cruel or unfair to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing us.
  • Know how to encourage a friend and help her navigate hard realities with real help from God’s truth.

توضیحات تکمیلی

عنوان کتاب

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way

نویسنده / گان

Lysa TerKeurst


Thomas Nelson

سال نشر




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